
Scrambled Tofu

I decided to try scrambled tofu, specifically the recipe from the Post Punk Kitchen.

I love the recipes over there! I already have two of their cookbooks, Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook and Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar: 100 Dairy-Free Recipes for Everyone's Favorite Treats. I just made some of the chocolate chip cookies from the latter, and they were very addicting! Nom!

Anyway, I sauntered over to their blog and found their scrambled tofu recipe.
I had wanted to try scrambled tofu for some time, considering that tofu is a pretty low-carb item, and I already have a pretty big crush on the stuff. We're total besties.

It turned out really well! It was really fast, easily customizable and was definitely a comfort-food. The Omninator liked it, and that's always a sign that the recipe's a real winner. I ended up skipping the thyme because I didn't have any, and I left out any add-ins (such as the mushrooms and onion) because I wanted to check out the tasty-ness of the base recipe. I would highly recommend a delicate touch when "scrambling" it. I went a little nuts with the stirring and ended up with more crumbles than chunks.

Rating: 5 out of 5 Noms!

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